Name 姓名 | Tong,Yigang 童贻刚 | Gender 性别 | Male 男 | 
College 学院 | Collegeof Life Science and Technology 生命科学与技术学院 |
Highestdegree 最高学历 | Ph.D. 博士 | ProfessionalTitle 职称 | Professor 教授 |
Discipline/Major 专业 | BiologicalEngineering; Microbiology 生物工程;微生物学 |
ResearchArea/Direction 招生研究方向 | Bioinformatics;Medical microbiology; Virology |
OfficePhone 办公电话 |
| CellPhone 手机号码 |
Email 邮箱 | |
ResearchTopics(nomore than 100 words)研究方向 |
1. Bioinformatics 2. Bacteriophage 3.Multi-drugresistant bacteria 4.Microbialgenomics |
EducationBackground 教育背景 |
1984.9-1988.6,FudanUniversity,Genetics,Bachelor 1988.9-1991.6,Academyof Military Medical Science,MedicalGenetics,M.S. 1997.9-2000.6,Academyof Military Medical Science,Microbiology,Ph.D. |
WorkExperience 工作经历 |
1991.7-1997.8,General Hospital of Beijing Military Region,Physician 2003.4-2005.4,University of British Columbia,Postdoc(MichealSmith Award) 2005.5-2018.7,BeijingInstitute of Microbiology and Epidemiology,Professor,Lab Chief 2018.8-present,Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Dean of School of LifeScience and Technology |
Publications(nomore than 10 representative publications) 发表文章 |
Zhou, P. et al.Fatal swine acute diarrhoea syndrome caused by an HKU2-relatedcoronavirus of bat origin. Nature556, 255-258, doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0010-9 (2018). Tong, Y. G. etal. Genetic diversity and evolutionary dynamics of Ebola virus inSierra Leone. Nature524, 93-96, doi:10.1038/nature14490 (2015). Deng, Y. Q. etal. Intranasal infection and contact transmission of Zika virusin guinea pigs. NatCommun8, 1648, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01923-4 (2017). Zhang, X. et al.A novel termini analysis theory using HTS data alone for theidentification of Enterococcus phage EF4-like genome termini. BMCGenomics16, 414, doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1612-3 (2015). Liu, W. et al.Occurrence and reassortment of avian influenza A (H7N9) virusesderived from coinfected birds in China. JVirol88, 13344-13351, doi:10.1128/JVI.01777-14 (2014). Butt, A. M.,Nasrullah, I., Qamar, R. & Tong, Y. Evolution of codon usagein Zika virus genomes is host and vector specific. EmergMicrobes Infect5, e107, doi:10.1038/emi.2016.106 (2016). Teng, Y. et al.Systematic Genome-wide Screening and Prediction of microRNAs inEBOV During the 2014 Ebolavirus Outbreak. SciRep5, 9912, doi:10.1038/srep09912 (2015). Huang, Y. et al.Discovery of two novel totiviruses from Culex tritaeniorhynchusclassifiable in a distinct clade with arthropod-infecting viruseswithin the family Totiviridae. ArchVirol163, 2899-2902, doi:10.1007/s00705-018-3871-1 (2018). Teng, Y. et al.Contact reductions from live poultry market closures limit theepidemic of human infections with H7N9 influenza. JInfect 76,295-304, doi:10.1016/j.jinf.2017.12.015 (2018). Teng,Y. et al. Model-informed risk assessment for Zika virus outbreaksin the Asia-Pacific regions.J Infect74, 484-491, doi:10.1016/j.jinf.2017.01.015 (2017).