Liang Hao

Author:留学生办公室 Release date:2024-12-05







Collegeof life sciences and technology








Bionanotechnolgyand biomedical engineering





  1. Biocatalysis andBiotransformation of Natural Active Compounds

  2. Bionanotechnology

  3. Separation andPurification Technology

  4. Researchand Development of Natural Active Ingredients


1998-2002,B.S.Beijing University of Chemical Technology

2002-2007,Ph.D.Beijing University of Chemical Technology


2007-2010,AssistantProfessor, College of Life Science and Technology, BeijingUniversity of Chemical Technology

2011-now,AssociateProfessor, College of Life Science and Technology, BeijingUniversity of Chemical Technology

2014-2016VisitingScholar, University of Waterloo, Canada


1.SiqiZhang, Feifei Lin, Qipeng Yuan, Juewen Liu, Ye Li, Hao Liang.Robust magnetic laccase-mimicking nanozymes for oxidizingo-phenylenediamine and removing phenolic pollutants. Journal ofEnvironmental Sciences. 2020, 88, 103-111.

2.NajafAli Soomro, Qiao Wu, Safdar Ali Amur, Hao Liang, Aziz Ur Rahman,Qeping Yuan, Yun Wei. Natural drug physcion encapsulated zeoliticimidazolate framework, and their application as antimicrobialagent. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 182 (2019) 110364

3.J.He, S. Sun, M. Lu, Q. Yuan, Y. Liu and H. Liang, Metal-nucleobasehybrid nanoparticles for enhancing the activity and stability ofmetal-activated enzymes. Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 6293 –6296. DOI: 10.1039/C9CC03155C.

4.AmjadHussain Memon, Runsheng Ding, QipengYuan, Yun Wei, Hao Liang.Facile synthesis of alcalase-inorganic hybrid nanoflowers used forsoy protein isolate hydrolysis to improve its functionalproperties. Food Chemistry. 2019, 289, 568-574.

5.JieHe, Yumei Zhang, Qipeng Yuan, and Hao Liang* Catalytic Activityand Application of Immobilized Chloroperoxidase by BiometricMagnetic Nanoparticles. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 8,3555-3560

6.JieHe, Shanshan Sun, Zhao Zhou, Qipeng Yuan, Yanhui Liu and HaoLiang*. Thermostable enzyme-immobilized magnetic responsiveNi-based metal-organic framework nanorods as recyclablebiocatalysts for efficient biosynthesis of S-adenosylmethionine.Dalton Transactions 2019  (Impact Factor: 3.XX)  Correspondingauthor

7.AmjadHussain Memon1, Runsheng Ding1, Qipeng Yuan, Hao Liang, Yun Wei.Coordination of GMP ligand with Cu to enhance the multiple enzymesstability and substrate specificity by co-immobilization process.Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 136, 102-108. (IF:3.226)

8.HaoLiang*, Yongqin Wei, Ruimin LiLiChengQipengYuanFupingZheng. Intensifying sulforaphane formation in broccoli sprouts byusing other cruciferous sprouts additions [J]. Food Science andBiotechnology. 2018,27(4), 957-962. (IF:0.786)

9.YanZhou†, Shanshan Sun†, Weiya Bei, Mohamed Reda Zahi,Qipeng Yuan, Hao Liang*. Preparation and Antimicrobial Activity ofOregano essential oil Pickering emulsion stabilized by Cellulosenanocrystals [J]. International Journal of BiologicalMacromolecules, 2018, 112:7-13. (IF:3.671)

10.YanZhou†, Shanshan Sun†, Shuhui Jiang, Hao Liang.Facile one-pot synthesis of silica-based lipase nanocatalysts forimproving stability [J]. Micro & Nano Letters, 2018,13(4), 572- 575. (IF:0.723)

11.Liang,H.; Sun, S.; Zhou, Y.; Liu, Y. In-Situ Self-Assembly ofZinc/Adenine Hybrid Nanomaterials for Enzyme Immobilization.Catalysts 2017, 7, 327; doi:10.3390/catal7110327. (IF:3.456)

12.YongqinWei , Jin Zhang, Amjad Hussain Memon, Hao Liang. Molecular modeland in vitro antioxidant activity of a water-soluble and stablephloretin/hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex.Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, 236, 68-75. (Impact Factor:2.740) Corresponding author

13.YanLiu, Yumei Zhang, Xuejian Li, Qipeng Yuan and Hao Liang.Self-repairing metal-organic hybrid complexes for reinforcingimmobilized chloroperoxidase reusability. Chem. Commun., 2017,53,3216-3219. (Impact Factor: 6.576)  Corresponding author

14.ChunfangLi, Shuhui Jiang, Xinying Zhao and Hao Liang. Co-Immobilization ofEnzymes and Magnetic Nanoparticles by Metal-Nucleotide HydrogelNanofibers for Improving Stability and Recycling. Molecules  2017,22(1), 179; doi:10.3390/molecules22010179 (Impact Factor: 2.67) Corresponding author

15.HaoLiang, Feifei Lin, Zijie Zhang, Biwu Liu, Shuhui Jiang, QipengYuan, and Juewen Liu Multi-copper Laccase Mimicking Nanozymes withNucleotides as Ligands. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2017, 9(2):1352-1360. (Impact Factor: 7.504)  Corresponding author

16.YongqinWei, Jin Zhang, Yan Zhou, Weiya Bei, Yuan Li, Qipeng Yuan, HaoLiang Characterization of Glabridin/hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrinInclusion Complex with Robust Solubility and Enhanced Bioactivity.Carbohydrate Polymers. 2017, 159, 152-160. (Impact Factor: 4.811) Corresponding author TOP

17.MohamedReda Zahi, Mohamed El Hatta, Hao Liang, Qipeng Yuan. Enhancing theantimicrobial activity of d-limonene nanoemulsion with theinclusion of ε-polylysine. Food Chemistry, 2017, 221 (15),18-23. (Impact Factor: 4.052) Corresponding author

18.RuiminLi, Dan Song, Frank Vriesekoop, Li Cheng, Qipeng Yuan and HaoLiang. Glucoraphenin, sulforaphene, and antiproliferative capacityof radish sprouts in germinating and thermal processes. EuropeanFood Research and Technology 2017, 243 (4), 547-554. (ImpactFactor: 1.433) Corresponding author

19.XiaoZhou, Yan Liu, Qipeng Yuan, Hao Liang. Preparation of multi-enzymeco-immobilized nanoparticles by bis-aryl hydrazone bondconjugation. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry. 2016, 63 (2),214-219. (Impact Factor:1.429) Corresponding author

20.HaoLiang*, Biwu Liu, Qipeng Yuan and Juewen Liu*, Magnetic Iron OxideNanoparticle Seeded Growth of Nucleotide Coordinated Polymers, ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (24), pp 15615–15622.(Impact Factor: 7.504)  Corresponding author

21.JingSun, Dennis Curry, Qipeng Yuan, Xu Zhang, and Hao Liang. HighlyHybridizable Spherical Nucleic Acids by Tandem GlutathioneTreatment and Polythymine Spacing. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.2016, 8 (19), pp 12504–12513. (Impact Factor: 7.504) Corresponding author

22.Liang,H.; Jiang, S.; Yuan, Q.; Li, G.; Wang, F.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, J.Co-immobilization of multiple enzymes by metal coordinatednucleotide hydrogel nanofibers: improved stability and an enzymecascade for glucose detection. Nanoscale 2016, 8, 6071–6078.(Impact Factor:7.760)  Corresponding author

23.MiaomiaoLi, Mohamed Reda Zahi, Qipeng Yuan, Feibao Tian, Hao Liang.Preparation and Stability of Astaxanthin Solid Lipid NanoparticlesBased on Stearic Acid. European Journal of Lipid Science andTechnology, 2016, 118, 4, 592-602. (Impact Factor:1.950) Corresponding author

24.FeibaoTian, Yi Guo, Feifei Lin, Yumei Zhang, Qipeng Yuan, Hao Liang.Rational surface silane modification for immobilizing glucoseoxidase. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2016,87, 191-194. (Impact Factor: 3.671)  Corresponding author

25.Liang,H.; Zhang, Z.; Yuan, Q.; Liu, J., Self-healing metal-coordinatedhydrogels using nucleotide ligands. Chem. Commun. 2015, 51 (82),15196-15199. (Impact Factor: 6.834)  Corresponding author

26.Bei,W.; Zhou, Y.; Xing, X.; Zahi, M. R.; Li, Y.; Yuan, Q.; Liang, H.,Organogel nanoemulsion containing Nisin and D-limonene and itsantimicrobial activity. Frontiers in Microbiology 2015, 6, 1-9.

27.RongShi†,1, Yi Guo†,1, Frank Vriesekoop††,Qipeng Yuan†, Shuna Zhao†††, HaoLiang†,* Improving Oxidative Stability of Peanut oil underMicrowave Treatment and Deep Fat Frying by Stearicacid-Surfacant-Tea Polyphenols Complex. European Journal of LipidScience and Technology, 2015, 117, 1008–1015

28.MohamedReda Zahi, Hao Liang, Qipeng Yuan. Improving the Antimicrobialactivity of D-limonene using a novel Organogel-Based Nanoemulsion.Food Control. 2015, 50(4), 554-559. (Impact Factor:3.388)