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24) Xianmei Hu,HaoLi*,Pingwah Tang, Jie Sun, Qipeng Yuan, Chunfang Li. GC-MS-basedmetabolomics study of the responses to arachidonic acid inBlakesleatrispora.Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2013, 57: 33-41. (*Co-firstauthor) 25) HaoLi,Manli Ma, Sha Luo, Ruimin Zhang, Pei Han, Wei Hu. Metabolicresponses to ethanol in Saccharomycescerevisiaeusing a gas chromatography tandem spectrometry-based metabolomicsapproach. The International Journal of Biochemistry & CellBiology, 2012, 44 (7): 1087-1096. 26) HaoLi,Manli Ma, Huijun Xie, Jian Kong. Biosafety evaluation ofbacteriophages for treatment of diarrhea due to intestinalpathogen Escherichiacoli3-2 infection of chickens. World Journal of Microbiology andBiotechnology, 2012, 28: 1-6. 27)HaoLi,Lan Wang, Xianzhong Yan, Qijun Liu, Chaohui Yu, Handong Wei,Youming Li, Xuemin Zhang, Fuchu He, Ying Jiang. A proton nuclearmagnetic resonance metabonomics approach for biomarker discoveryin nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Proteome Research,2011, 10 (6): 2797-2806. |