Li Hao

Author:留学生办公室 Release date:2024-12-05







Collegeof Life Sciences and Technology








Microbiology,Metabolomics, Aptasensor





1. Microbiology,focuses on bacterial contamination and stresses associatedphysiological changes and social behavior that occurred infermentation, especially quorum sensing and interaction between S.cerevisiae andbacteria

2. Metabolomics,research on application of GC-MS, LC-MS or NMR-based metabolomicsstrategy in discovering biomarker for early diagnosis andelucidation of molecular mechanisms underlying associatedbiological process;

3.Aptasensor, research on selection specific aptamers by SELEXstrategy or other novel strategies, application of selectedaptamer for establishment of sensitive biosensor to sensitivelyand specifically detect targets (i.e., drug residues in food,environmental pollutants, clinical biomarkers).


2002.9~2005.7Ph.D., China Ocean University, Marine Biology




2008.12~Sofar, Associate Professor, College of life science and technology,Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Biochemicalengineering

2005.08~2008.10,Postdoctoral fellow, State Key Laboratory of Proteomics, BeijingProteome Research Center, Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine


  1. Chuchu Wang,Xiaoyan Du, Tiantian Xie, Hao Li*. Label- andmodification-free-based in situ selection of bovine serum albuminspecific aptamer.Journal of Separation Science, 2019, DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201900620(*Correspondingauthor)

  2. MingLi,HongweiHu, Ze Chen, YaxianZhang,Hao Li*.Using drug-loadedpH-responsive poly(4-vinylpyridine) microspheres as a newstrategy for intelligent controlling of Lactobacillusplantarumcontamination in bioethanol fermentation.WorldJournal of Microbiology and Biotechnology,2018, 34(10):146. (*Correspondingauthor)

  3. Ze Chen, ZhouZheng, FenglianWang,Yuanpu Niu, Jinlai Miao*,HaoLi*.Intracellular metabolic changes of Rhodococcussp. LH during the biodegradation of diesel oil. MarineBiotechnology, 2018,20 (6): 803-812. (*Correspondingauthor)

  4. Zhihua Ji,Yaxian Zhang, Juan Tian,Fengbang Wang, Maoyong Song*,HaoLi*.Oxidative stress and cytotoxicity induced by tetrachlorobisphenolA in Saccharomycescerevisiaecells. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 161: 1-7.(*Correspondingauthor)

  5. Lihui Wang,Chuchu Wang, HaoLi*.Selectionof DNA aptamers and establishment of an effective aptasensor forhighly sensitive detection of cefquinome residues in milk.Analyst, 2018, 143: 3202-3208. (*Correspondingauthor)

  6. Juan Tian,Zhihua Ji, Fengbang Wang, Maoyong Song*,HaoLi*.Thetoxiceffectsof Tetrachlorobisphenol A in Saccharomycescerevisiaecellsvia metabolicinterference.Scientific Reports, 2017, 7 (1): 2655. (*Correspondingauthor)

  7. Ye Duan, LihuiWang, Zhiqiang Gao, Huishan Wang, Hexiao Zhang*,HaoLi*.Anaptamer-based effective method for highly sensitive detection ofchloramphenicol residues in animal-sourced food using real-timefluorescent quantitative PCR. Talanta, 2017,165:671-676. (*Correspondingauthor)

  8. Bo Liu, HuaqingLiu, Yunxiao Zhang, HaoLi*.Control of Lactobacillusplantarum contaminationin bioethanol fermentation by adding plantaricins. InternationalJournal of Agriculture and Biology, 2017, 19: 171-176.(*Correspondingauthor)

  9. Juan Tian,Shuxian Zhang, HaoLi*.Changes in intracellularmetabolismsunderlyingthe adaptation of Saccharomycescerevisiaestrainstoethanolstress. Annals of Microbiology, 2017, 67 (2): 195-202.(*Correspondingauthor)

  10. ZeChen, Zhou Zheng, Chenfeng Yi, Fenglian Wang, Yuanpu Niu, HaoLi*.Intracellularmetabolic changes of Saccharomycescerevisiaeandpromotion to ethanol toleranceduring the bioethanol fermentation process. RSC Advances, 2016,6:105046-105055.(*Correspondingauthor)

  11. Yuanpu Niu,Xianghua Lin, Shijun Dong, Qipeng Yuan, HaoLi*.Indentationwith atomic force microscope, Saccharomycescerevisiaecell gains elasticity under ethanol stress.The InternationalJournal of Biochemistry &Cell Biology,2016, 79: 337-344. (*Correspondingauthor)

  12. Yanfeng Wang,Juan Tian, Zhihua Ji, Maoyong Song,HaoLi*.Intracellularmetabolic changes of Clostridiumacetobutylicumand promotion to butanol tolerance during biobutanolfermentation.TheInternationalJournal of Biochemistry &Cell Biology,2016, 78: 297-306. (*Correspondingauthor)

  13. Ye Duan,Zhiqiang Gao, Lihui Wang, Huishan Wang, Hexiao Zhang*,Hao Li*.Selection and identification of chloramphenicol specific DNAaptamers by Mag-SELEX. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology,2016, 180(8): 1644-1656. (*Correspondingauthor)

  14. Chenfeng Yi,Fenglian Wang, Shijun Dong, HaoLi*.Changes of trehalose content and expression of relative genesduring the bioethanol fermentation by Saccharomycescerevisiae.Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2016, 62(10): 827-835. (*Correspondingauthor)

  15. Shijun Dong,Chenfeng Yi, HaoLi*.Changes of Saccharomycescerevisiaecell membrane components and promotion to ethanol toleranceduring the bioethanol fermentation. The International Journal ofBiochemistry & Cell Biology, 2015, 69: 196-203.(*Correspondingauthor)

  16. ShijunDong, Xianghua Lin, HaoLi*.Regulationof Lactobacillusplantarumcontamination on the carbohydrate and energy related metabolismsof Saccharomycescerevisiaeduring bioethanol fermentation.The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology,2015, 68: 33-41. (*Correspondingauthor)

  17. XianghuaLin,PeiHan,ShijunDong,HaoLi*.Preparationand application of bacteriophage-loaded chitosan microspheres forcontrolling Lactobacillusplantarumcontamination in bioethanol fermentation. RSCAdvances,2015, 5:69886-69893.(*Correspondingauthor)

  18. YanfengWang, Shuxian Zhang, Huaqing Liu, Lei Zhang, Chenfeng Yi, HaoLi*.Changes androles of membrane compositions in the adaptation of Saccharomycescerevisiae toethanol.Journalof Basic Microbiology,2015, 55 (12): 1417-1426. (*Correspondingauthor)

  19. FengxiaCui, Ruimin Zhang, Huaqing Liu, Yanfeng Wang, HaoLi*.Metabolic responses toLactobacillus plantarumcontamination or bacteriophage treatment in Saccharomycescerevisiaeusing a GC-MS-based metabolomics approach. World Journal ofMicrobiology & Biotechnology, 2015, 31 (12): 2003-2013.(*Correspondingauthor)

  20. FengxiaCui, Huaqing Liu, Zhongmei Zou*,Hao Li*.Metabolic responses to water deprivation in C57BL/6J mice using aproton nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabonomics approach.RSC Advances, 2015, 5:80142-80149.(*Correspondingauthor)

  21. RibangWu, CuiLing Wu, Dan Liu, Xinghao Yang, Jiafeng Huang, JiangZhang, Binqiang Liao, Hailun He*, HaoLi*.Overviewof antioxidant peptides derived from marine resources: thesources, characteristic, purification, and evaluation methods.AppliedBiochemistry and Biotechnology, 2015,176(7): 1815-1833. (*Correspondingauthor)

  22. DanLiu,XinghaoYang, JiafengHuang, RibangWu, CuilingWu, HailunHe*,HaoLi*.Insitudemonstration and characteristic analysis of the protea*****ponents from marine bacteria using substrate immersingzymography. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2015, 175(1): 489-501.(*Correspondingauthor)

  23. ManliMa, Pei Han, Ruimin Zhang, HaoLi*.Ultrastructural changes of Saccharomycescerevisiaein response to ethanol stress. Canadian Journal of Microbiology,2013, 59 (9): 589-597.(*Correspondingauthor)

24) Xianmei Hu,HaoLi*,Pingwah Tang, Jie Sun, Qipeng Yuan, Chunfang Li. GC-MS-basedmetabolomics study of the responses to arachidonic acid inBlakesleatrispora.Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2013, 57: 33-41. (*Co-firstauthor)

25) HaoLi,Manli Ma, Sha Luo, Ruimin Zhang, Pei Han, Wei Hu. Metabolicresponses to ethanol in Saccharomycescerevisiaeusing a gas chromatography tandem spectrometry-based metabolomicsapproach. The International Journal of Biochemistry & CellBiology, 2012, 44 (7): 1087-1096.

26) HaoLi,Manli Ma, Huijun Xie, Jian Kong. Biosafety evaluation ofbacteriophages for treatment of diarrhea due to intestinalpathogen Escherichiacoli3-2 infection of chickens. World Journal of Microbiology andBiotechnology, 2012, 28: 1-6.

27)HaoLi,Lan Wang, Xianzhong Yan, Qijun Liu, Chaohui Yu, Handong Wei,Youming Li, Xuemin Zhang, Fuchu He, Ying Jiang. A proton nuclearmagnetic resonance metabonomics approach for biomarker discoveryin nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Proteome Research,2011, 10 (6): 2797-2806.