Yang Xiaojin

Author:留学生办公室 Release date:2024-12-15




Xiao Jin YANG






Chemical Engineering

Highest degree



Professional Title职称




  1. Chemical Engineering and Technology

  2. Environmental Science and Engineering

Research Area/Direction


Electrochemical processes for hydrogen production, carbon dioxide conversion and water treatment;

Green and sustainable remediation of water and soil contamination;

Office Phone


Cell Phone





Research Topicsno more than 100 words)研究方向

Energy: Develop technologies capable of utilizing CO2, water and renewable energy more effectively than nature.

(1) Carbon dioxide: Catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide by chemical, thermochemical, electrochemical, and photoelectrochemical technologies;

  1. Hydrogen: Hydrogen production by water splitting through electrolysis and the hydrolysis of aluminum-based alloys;

Water: Develop technologies for treatment, remediation and purification of wastewater, contaminated surface and groundwater by microbial, chemical/electrochemical and membrane technologies; Develop small-scale, integrated treatment systems for remote, decentral household sewage;

Soil: Green and sustainable remediation for water and soil contaminated by heavy metals, antibiotics, chlorinated organic compounds, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Education Background 教育背景

Ph.D. Chemical Engineering (2000), The University of New South Wales, Australia.

M.E. Nuclear Chemical Technology (1995), China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing.

B.E. Applied Chemistry (1988), East China Institute of Technology

Work Experience 工作经历

2008.11-presentProfessor, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China

2001.02-2008.10Scientist, Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, New South Wales, Australia

2000.11-2001.01Research Associate, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Australia

1999.08-2000.10Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK

1997.01-1998.01Visiting Scientist, CNRSUniversite Blaise Pascal, France

1988.07-1996.02Engineer, China Institute of Atomic Energy, China

Publications(no more than 10 representative publications) 发表文章

1.J. Xu, Y. Pu, X.J. Yang*, P. Wan, R. Wang, P. Song, A. Fisher. Rapid removal of chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and trichloroethylene in water by aluminum–iron alloy particles. Environmental Technology 2018, 39, 2882-2890.

2.H. Hu, Y. Tang, Q. Hu, P. Wan, L. Dai, X. J. Yang,* In-situ grown nanoporous Zn-Cu catalysts on brass foils for enhanced electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 445, 281-286.

3.Q. Hu, X. Zhao, X.J. Yang,* China's decadal pollution census, Nature, 2017, 543, 491.

4.J. Wang, Q. Hu, X. Wang, X. Li, X.J. Yang,* Protecting China's soil by law, Science, 2016, 354, 562.

5.X. J. Yang. China's Rapid Urbanization, Science, 2013, 342, 310.

6.Z. Yu, Y. Chen, Y. Niu, Y. Tang, P. Wan, Z. Lv, X. J. Yang,* Efficient and Sustainable Production of Alumina by Electrolysis of Sodium CarbonateAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 11719-11723.

7.T. Li, Y. Chen, P. Wan,* M. Fan, X. J. Yang,* Chemical Degradation of Drinking Water Disinfection Byproducts by Millimeter-Sized Particles of Iron-Silicon and Magnesium-Aluminum Alloys, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 2500-2501

8.X.J. Yang,* A. Lin, X. Li, Y. Wu, W. Zhou, Z. Chen, China's ion-adsorption rare earth resources, mining consequences and preservation, Environ. Dev., 2013, 8, 131-136.

9.P. Wan, X. J. Yang,* Electrolysis of Water and Common Salt Solutions. ChemSusChem, 2012, 5(8), 1381–1382.