BriefIntroduction of Professor of BUCT
Name 姓名 | YadongHe 何亚东 | Gender 性别 | Male 男 |

College 学院 | CollegeofMechanical and Electrical Engineering 机电工程学院 |
Highestdegree 最高学历 | Ph.D 工学博士 | ProfessionalTitle 职称 | Professor 教授 |
Discipline/Major 专业 | PrincipleofPolymer Processing 聚合物加工原理及装备 |
ResearchArea/Direction 招生研究方向 | Mechanicalengineering, Power engineering and EngineeringThermophysics,MaterialProcessing Engineering 机械工程,动力工程及工程热物理,材料加工工程 |
OfficePhone 办公电话 |
| CellPhone 手机号码 |
Email 邮箱 | Heyd@mail.buct.edu.cn |
ResearchTopics(nomore than 100 words)研究方向 |
1.Principle ofPolymer Foaming with Supercritical Fluid and Equipment 2. ProcessingPrinciple and Equipment of Fiber Reinforced thermoplasticcomposites 3. PolymerCompounding Technology and Equipment …… |
EducationBackground 教育背景 |
2000-09—2003-06Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Graduate study, Ph.D 1994-09—1998-12Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Graduate study, M.Eng 1989-09—1993-07Beijing University of Chemical Technology,Undergraduate, B.Eng |
WorkExperience 工作经历 |
1993-08 till now,Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Publications(nomore than 10 representative publications) 发表文章 |
论文、专著名称 Nameof papers or monographs | 学术期刊或出版社名称 (2019年影响因子) Nameof journal or press (impact factor 2019) | 年份、卷、页 Year,volume & page | 通讯作者 correspondenceauthor | Bubble growth model and its influencing factors in apolymer melt under nonisothermal conditions | JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE(2.52) | 2019Vol.136(12):47210 | Yes | The effect of unidirectional shear flow-inducedorientation on foaming properties of polypropylene | JOURNAL OF POLYMER ENGINEERING(1.126) | 2020,Vol.40(3):193-202 | Yes | Heat transfer performance evaluation of a novel conceptof the core-hole heat exchanger for polymer foamingprocess | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES(3.476) | 2020,Vol.151:1-13 | Yes | Numerical investigation of polymer melt heat transfer usingShell and tube heat exchanger in continuous polymerfoaming process | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN(3.073) | 2019,Vol.151:231-241 | Yes | High-melt-elasticity poly(ethylene terephthalate) produced by reactiveextrusion with a multi-functional epoxide forfoaming | JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE(2.52) | 2018,Vol.135(8):45805 | Yes | A Mathematical Model for Continuous Fiber ReinforcedThermoplastic Composite in Melt Impregnation | Applied Composite Materials(1.556) | 2017,24(3),675 | Yes | A Modeling Approach to Fiber Fracture in MeltImpregnation | Applied Composite Materials(1.556) | 2017,24(1),193 | Yes | Curing kinetics and mechanisms of polysulfone nanofibrousmembranes toughened epoxy/amine systems usingisothermal DSC and NIR | Thermochimica Acta(2.251) | 2010,Vol.497,27 | Yes | Crystallization Behavior and Foaming Properties of PolypropyleneContaining Ultra-High Molecular Weight PolyethyleneUnder Supercritical Carbon dioxide | Journal of Applied Polymer Science(2.52) | 2011,Vol.119, 1275 | Yes | Solid-state foaming of isotactic polypropylene and itscomposites with spherical or fibrous poly(butylenesterephthalate) | Journal of Applied Polymer Science(2.52) | 2015,Vol.15:41801 | Yes |